Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Routing Information Protocol

RIP is an example of an interior gateway protocol designed for use within small autonomous systems. RIP is based on the Xerox XNS routing protocol. Early implementations of RIP were readily accepted because the code was incorporated in the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX-based operating system. RIP is a distance vector protocol.
In mid-1988, the IETF issued RFC 1058, which describes the standard operations of a RIP system. However, the RFC was issued after many RIP implementations had been completed. For this reason, some RIP systems do not support the entire set of enhancements to the basic distance vector algorithm (for example, poison reverse and triggered updates).

RIP packet types

The RIP protocol specifies two packet types. These packets may be sent by any device running the RIP protocol:

•Request packets: A request packet queries neighboring RIP devices to obtain their distance vector table. The request indicates if the neighbor should return either a specific subset or the entire contents of the table.
•Response packets: A response packet is sent by a device to advertise the information maintained in its local distance vector table. The table is sent during the following situations:

-The table is automatically sent every 30 seconds.
-The table is sent as a response to a request packet generated by another RIP node.
-If triggered updates are supported, the table is sent when there is a change to the local distance vector table.

When a response packet is received by a device, the information contained in the update is compared against the local distance vector table. If the update contains a lower cost route to a destination, the table is update to reflect the new path.

RIP packet format

RIP uses a specific packet format to share information about the distances to known network destinations. RIP packets are transmitted using UDP datagrams. RIP sends and receives datagrams using UDP port 520.
RIP datagrams have a maximum size of 512 octets. Updates larger than this size must be advertised in multiple datagrams. In LAN environments, RIP datagrams are sent using the MAC all-stations broadcast address and an IP network broadcast address. In point-to-point or non-broadcast environments, datagrams are specifically addressed to the destination device.

RIP hosts have two modes of operation:

Active mode: Devices operating in active mode advertise their distance vector table and also receive routing updates from neighboring RIP hosts. Routing devices are typically configured to operate in active mode.

Passive :(or silent) mode: Devices operating in this mode simply receive routing updates from neighboring RIP devices. They do not advertise their distance vector table. End stations are typically configured to operate in passive mode.

Calculating distance vectors

The distance vector table describes each destination network. The entries in this table contain the following information:

•The destination network (vector) described by this entry in the table.
•The associated cost (distance) of the most attractive path to reach this destination. This provides the ability to differentiate between multiple paths to a destination. In this context, the terms distance and cost can be misleading. They have no direct relationship to physical distance or monetary cost.
•The IP address of the next-hop device used to reach the destination network.
Each time a routing table advertisement is received by a device, it is processed to determine if any destination can be reached via a lower cost path. This is done using the RIP distance vector algorithm. The algorithm can be summarized as:
•At router initialization, each device contains a distance vector table listing each directly attached networks and configured cost. Typically, each network is assigned a cost of 1. This represents a single hop through the network. The total number of hops in a route is equal to the total cost of the route. However, cost can be changed to reflect other measurements such as utilization, speed, or reliability.
•Each router periodically (typically every 30 seconds) transmits its distance vector table to each of its neighbors. The router may also transmit the table when a topology change occurs.
•Each router uses this information to update its local distance vector table:

-The total cost to each destination is calculated by adding the cost reported in a neighbor's distance vector table to the cost of the link to that neighbor. The path with the least cost is stored in the distance vector table.
-All updates automatically supersede the previous information in the distance vector table. This allows RIP to maintain the integrity of the routes in the routing table.
•The IP routing table is updated to reflect the least-cost path to each destination.

Convergence and counting to infinity

Given sufficient time, this algorithm will correctly calculate the distance vector table on each device. However, during this convergence time, erroneous routes may propagate through the network.

This network contains four interconnected routers. Each link has a cost of 1, except for the link connecting router C and router D; this link has a cost of 10. The costs have been defined so that forwarding packets on the link connecting router C and router D is undesirable.
Once the network has converged, each device has routing information describing all networks. For example, to reach the target network, the routers have the following information:

•Router D to the target network: Directly connected network. Metric 1.
•Router B to the target network: Next hop is router D. Metric is 2.
•Router C to the target network: Next hop is router B. Metric is 3.
•Router A to the target network: Next hop is router B. Metric is 3.
Consider an adverse condition where the link connecting router B and router D fails. Once the network has reconverged, all routes use the link connecting router C and router D to reach the target network. However, this reconvergence time can be considerable. Figure 64 illustrates how the routes to the target network are updated throughout the reconvergence period. For simplicity, this figure assumes all routers send updates at the same time.

Reconvergence begins when router B notices that the route to router D is unavailable. Router B is able to immediately remove the failed route because the link has timed-out. However, a considerable amount of time passes before the other routers remove their references to the failed route.

1.Prior to the adverse condition occurring, router A and router C have a route to the target network via router B.
2.The adverse condition occurs when the link connecting router D and router B fails. Router B recognizes that its preferred path to the target network is now invalid.
3.Router A and router C continue to send updates reflecting the route via router B. This route is actually invalid since the link connecting router D and router B has failed.
4.Router B receives the updates from router A and router C. Router B believes it should now route traffic to the target network through either router A or router C. In reality, this is not a valid route, since the routes in router A and router C are vestiges of the previous route through router B.
5.Using the routing advertisement sent by router B, router A and router C are able to determine that the route via router B has failed. However, router A and router C now believe the preferred route exists via the partner.
Network convergence continues as router A and router C engage in an extended period of mutual deception. Each device claims to be able to reach the target network via the partner device. The path to reach the target network now contains a routing loop.
The manner in which the costs in the distance vector table increment gives rise to the term counting to infinity. The costs continues to increment, theoretically to infinity. To minimize this exposure, whenever a network is unavailable, the incrementing of metrics through routing updates must be halted as soon as it is practical to do so. In a RIP environment, costs continue to increment until they reach a maximum value of 16. This limit is defined in the RFC.
A side effect of the metric limit is that it also limits the number of hops a packet can traverse from source network to destination network. In a RIP environment, any path exceeding 15 hops is considered invalid. The routing algorithm will discard these paths.
There are two enhancements to the basic distance vector algorithm that can minimize the counting to infinity problem:

•Split horizon with poison reverse
•Triggered updates

Split horizon

The excessive convergence time caused by counting to infinity may be reduced with the use of split horizon. This rule dictates that routing information is prevented from exiting the router on an interface through which the information was received.

The basic split horizon rule is not supported in RFC 1058. Instead, the standard specifies the enhanced split horizon with poison reverse algorithm. The basic rule is presented here for background and completeness. The enhanced algorithm is reviewed in the next section.
The incorporation of split horizon modifies the sequence of routing updates shown in Figure 64. The new sequence is shown in Figure 65. The tables show that convergence occurs considerably faster using the split horizon rule.

The limitation to this rule is that each node must wait for the route to the unreachable destination to time out before the route is removed from the distance vector table. In RIP environments, this timeout is at least three minutes after the initial outage. During that time, the device continues to provide erroneous information to other nodes about the unreachable destination. This propagates routing loops and other routing anomalies.

Split horizon with poison reverse

Poison reverse is an enhancement to the standard split horizon implementation. It is supported in RFC 1058. With poison reverse, all known networks are advertised in each routing update. However, those networks learned through a specific interface are advertised as unreachable in the routing announcements sent out to that interface.
This drastically improves convergence time in complex, highly-redundant environments. With poison reverse, when a routing update indicates that a network is unreachable, routes are immediately removed from the routing table. This breaks erroneous, looping routes before they can propagate through the network. This approach differs from the basic split horizon rule where routes are eliminated through timeouts.
Poison reverse has no benefit in networks with no redundancy (single path networks).

One disadvantage to poison reverse is that it may significantly increase the size of routing annoucements exchanged between neighbors. This is because all routes in the distance vector table are included in each announcement. While this is generally not an issue on local area networks, it can cause periods of increased utilization on lower-capacity WAN connections.

Triggered updates

Like split horizon with poison reverse, algorithms implementing triggered updates are designed to reduce network convergence time. With triggered updates, whenever a router changes the cost of a route, it immediately sends the modified distance vector table to neighboring devices. This mechanism ensures that topology change notifications are propagated quickly, rather than at the normal periodic interval.
Triggered updates are supported in RFC 1058.

RIP limitations

There are a number of limitations observed in RIP environments:

Path cost limits: The resolution to the counting to infinity problem enforces a maximum cost for a network path. This places an upper limit on the maximum network diameter. Networks requiring paths greater than 15 hops must use an alternate routing protocol.

Network-intensive table updates: Periodic broadcasting of the distance vector table can result in increased utilization of network resources. This can be a concern in reduced-capacity segments.

Relatively slow convergence: RIP, like other distance vector protocols, is relatively slow to converge. The algorithms rely on timers to initiate routing table advertisements.

No support for variable length subnet masking: Route advertisements in a RIP environment do not include subnet masking information. This makes it impossible for RIP networks to deploy variable length subnet masks.


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